The Supernal Reich

by The Kin of Aries

1. The Tide of Destiny

National Socialism is having such a huge resurgence that Hitler’s new legions online and IRL could almost be called a Fourth Reich. Of course it lacks some vital elements, like a country, a government, a Wehrmacht, and most notably a Führer. What are the prospects for this formidable movement, and what would it take to accomplish the triumph of its collective will?

Our perspective draws upon esoteric knowledge, which some call gnosis. This means that we can evaluate the situation not just on the basis of political, social, and historical factors, but from the higher realm of causation from which they spring. Here can be found the answers to all the questions that puzzle the minds of the pundits. Everyone in the movement knows how the Führer rose to power, but how many can explain why it happened? That is, not just politically or pragmatically, but in terms of the currents of destiny of Germany, the white race, the human species, and the world itself.

This fundamental question may seem abstract to some people, so let’s pose another: why did the Reich lose the war? Most NS folk know the whole litany of disasters: the bitter Russian winter, traitors in the highest ranks of the Wehrmacht, strategic & tactical errors, Jewish manipulation of the Allied media and leaders, etc., etc. But the next level is simply to ask: well, why did all these things happen? Why was it not the destiny of Adolf Hitler to win the war? If anyone can answer this question, they’ll be qualified to consider the big one: how can we turn the tide of destiny and reverse the outcome next time?

By means of our gnosis we know the first answer: the key to destiny is Supernal Spirit, the divine omnipotence itself. Individuals who have connected with it can channel its power into the material realm.Hitler lost the war because he did not possess Supernal qualities ~ despite all his gifts and abilities, he was not a vessel of Supernal Spirit.

Symbolic image of Supernal Spirit

Anyone who can accept this judgement will understand our answer to the big question: we can attain ultimate victory under the leadership of a Supernal Führer. What are the qualifications for such a role? It must be filled by a racially conscious white man who has attained at least a working degree of Supernal enlightenment, and also possesses an alpha personality, high intelligence, and the other needed leadership abilities.

It may seem like it would take an act of God to cause the appearance of such a man on the world stage, but our gnosis informs us that this is not a far-fetched idea at all. Ever since the end of World War II, there have been foreshadowings and prophecies of:

The Man to Come



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